8,264 research outputs found

    Issues on the molecular-beam epitaxial growth of p-SiGe inverted-modulation-doped structures

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    The influence of boron segregation and silicon cap-layer thickness on two-dimensional hole gases (2-DHGs) has been investigated in Si/Si0.8Ge0.2/Si inverted-modulation-doped heterostructures grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy. Boron segregation, which is significant in structures with small spacer layers, can be suppressed by growth interruption after the boron doping. How growth interruption affected the electrical properties of the 2-DHG and the boron doping profile as measured by secondary ion mass spectroscopy are reported. We report also on the role played by the unpassivated silicon cap, and compare carrier transport at the normal and inverted interfaces

    Hall mobility enhancement caused by annealing of Si0.2Ge0.8/Si0.7Ge0.3/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures

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    The effect of post-growth furnace thermal annealing (FTA) on the Hall mobility and sheet carrier density measured at 9–300 K in the Si0.2Ge0.8/Si0.7Ge0.3/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures was studied. FTA treatments in the temperature range of 600–900 °C for 30 min were performed on similar heterostructures but with two Si0.2Ge0.8 channel thicknesses. The annealing at 600 °C is seen to have a negligible effect on the Hall mobility as well as on the sheet carrier density. Increases in the annealing temperature resulted in pronounced successive increases of the mobility. For both samples the maximum Hall mobility was observed after FTA at 750 °C. Further increases of the annealing temperature resulted in a decrease in mobility. The sheet carrier density showed the opposite behavior with an increase in annealing temperature. The mechanism causing this behavior is discussed. Structural characterization of as-grown and annealed samples was done by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy

    Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats of human tenascin-C as ligands for EGF receptor.

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    Signaling through growth factor receptors controls such diverse cell functions as proliferation, migration, and differentiation. A critical question has been how the activation of these receptors is regulated. Most, if not all, of the known ligands for these receptors are soluble factors. However, as matrix components are highly tissue-specific and change during development and pathology, it has been suggested that select growth factor receptors might be stimulated by binding to matrix components. Herein, we describe a new class of ligand for the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) found within the EGF-like repeats of tenascin-C, an antiadhesive matrix component present during organogenesis, development, and wound repair. Select EGF-like repeats of tenascin-C elicited mitogenesis and EGFR autophosphorylation in an EGFR-dependent manner. Micromolar concentrations of EGF-like repeats induced EGFR autophosphorylation and activated extracellular signal-regulated, mitogen-activated protein kinase to levels comparable to those induced by subsaturating levels of known EGFR ligands. EGFR-dependent adhesion was noted when the ligands were tethered to inert beads, simulating the physiologically relevant presentation of tenascin-C as hexabrachion, and suggesting an increase in avidity similar to that seen for integrin ligands upon surface binding. Specific binding to EGFR was further established by immunofluorescence detection of EGF-like repeats bound to cells and cross-linking of EGFR with the repeats. Both of these interactions were abolished upon competition by EGF and enhanced by dimerization of the EGF-like repeat. Such low affinity behavior would be expected for a matrix-tethered ligand; i.e., a ligand which acts from the matrix, presented continuously to cell surface EGF receptors, because it can neither diffuse away nor be internalized and degraded. These data identify a new class of insoluble growth factor ligands and a novel mode of activation for growth factor receptors

    A New Definition of Exoplanet Habitability: Introducing the Photosynthetic Habitable Zone

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    It may be possible to detect biosignatures of photosynthesis in an exoplanet's atmosphere. However, such a detection would likely require a dedicated study, occupying a large amount of telescope time. It is therefore prudent, while searching for signs of life that we may recognise, to pick the best target possible. In this work, we present a new region, the ``photosynthetic habitable zone'' \textemdash the distance from a star where both liquid water and oxygenic photosynthesis can occur. It is therefore the region where detectable biosignatures of oxygenic photosynthesis are most likely to occur. Our analysis indicates that in the most ideal conditions for life and no atmospheric effects, the photosynthetic habitable zone is almost as broad as the habitable zone. On the other hand, if conditions for life are anything less than excellent and atmospheric effects are even moderate, the photosynthetic habitable zone is concentrated at larger separations around more massive stars. Such cases are also not tidally locked to their host star, which could result in planetary rotation periods similar to the Earth's. We identify five planets, Kepler-452 b, Kepler-1638 b, Kepler-1544 b and Kepler-62 e and Kepler-62 f, that are consistently in the photosynthetic habitable zone for a variety of conditions, and we predict their day lengths to be between 9 and 11 hours. We conclude that the parameter space in which we should search for signs of life is much narrower than the standard habitable zone.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Mach-Zehnder Interferometry in a Strongly Driven Superconducting Qubit

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    We demonstrate Mach-Zehnder-type interferometry in a superconducting flux qubit. The qubit is a tunable artificial atom, whose ground and excited states exhibit an avoided crossing. Strongly driving the qubit with harmonic excitation sweeps it through the avoided crossing two times per period. As the induced Landau-Zener transitions act as coherent beamsplitters, the accumulated phase between transitions, which varies with microwave amplitude, results in quantum interference fringes for n=1...20 photon transitions. The generalization of optical Mach-Zehnder interferometry, performed in qubit phase space, provides an alternative means to manipulate and characterize the qubit in the strongly-driven regime.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Smoking and breast cancer

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    Can a Lattice String Have a Vanishing Cosmological Constant?

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    We prove that a class of one-loop partition functions found by Dienes, giving rise to a vanishing cosmological constant to one-loop, cannot be realized by a consistent lattice string. The construction of non-supersymmetric string with a vanishing cosmological constant therefore remains as elusive as ever. We also discuss a new test that any one-loop partition function for a lattice string must satisfy.Comment: 14 page

    Temperature-dependent Hall scattering factor and drift mobility in remotely doped Si:B/SiGe/Si heterostructures

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    Hall-and-Strip measurements on modulation-doped SiGe heterostructures and combined Hall and capacitance–voltage measurements on metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)-gated enhancement mode structures have been used to deduce Hall scattering factors, rH, in the Si1 – xGex two-dimensional hole gas. At 300 K, rH was found to be equal to 0.4 for x = 0.2 and x = 0.3. Knowing rH, it is possible to calculate the 300 K drift mobilities in the modulation-doped structures which are found to be 400 cm2 V – 1 s – 1 at a carrier density of 3.3 × 1011 cm – 2 for x = 0.2 and 300 cm2 V – 1 s – 1 at 6.3 × 1011 cm – 2 for x = 0.3, factors of between 1.5 and 2.0 greater than a Si pMOS control

    Using Cassini UVIS Data to Constrain Enceladus' Libration State

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    Given the non-spherical shape of Enceladus, the satellite may experience gravitational torques that will cause it to physically librate as it orbits Saturn. Physical libration would produce a diurnal oscillation in the longitude of Enceladus' tidal bulge, which could have a profound effect on the diurnal stresses experienced by the surface of the satellite. Although Cassini ISS has placed an observational upper limit on Enceladus' libration amplitude, stall amplitude librations may have geologically significant consequences. For example, a physical libration will affect heat production along the tiger stripes as produced by tidal shear heating and a previous study has explored possible libration states that provided better matches to Cassini CIRS observations of heat along the tiger stripes. Cassini UVIS stellar occultations provided measurements of the column density of the Enceladus plume at two different points in Enceladus' orbit and find comparable column density values. This column density may be a reflection of the amount of the tiger stripe rifts in tension and able to vent volatiles and a physical libration will also affect the fraction of tiger stripe in tension at different points in the orbit. We have modeled the expected fraction of tiger stripes in tension under different libration conditions. Without libration the amount of tiger stripe rifts in tension at both paints in the orbit would not be comparable and therefore may not allow comparable amounts of volatiles to escape. However, we identify libration conditions that do allow comparable amounts of the tiger stripes to be in tension at each point in the orbit, which might lead to comparable column densities. The librations identified coincide with possible librations states identified in the earlier study, which used Cassini CIRS observations
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